Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Archangel Project by C. S. Graham thank you Book Angel

I just finished The Archangel Project by C. S. Graham. This was a gift from Book Angel Erika, and it was a good read. The book takes place in New Orleans, where I was recently for vacation. I recognized many of the places they mentioned such as Lee's circle and the D-Day Museum. The story centers around a woman named October (AKA Tobie), who was recently discharged from the military and is now involved in a remote viewing research project. Tobie unknowingly uncovers a terrorist conspiracy and now she is on the run for her life.

I liked this book. I give it 3 of 5 stars.

I'm ordering my next two reads from Amazon. I know I made the right choice this election...but I was watching their stories on the biography channel and decided I would like to learn more about them.

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