Monday, September 24, 2007

I've got some work to do!

Picked up a few must haves for the Reading List this weekend. I took a trip to the mall right after working with Dolly for 8 hours making edits to her book.

Dolly's book REBEL TEACHER is coming great. I we have about 10 more chapters of editing to do and then I hope to shop around. If she can push through her narcolepsy, I think we will be done by next weekend.

I actually purchased the US and Canada Edition of 1,001 PLACES TO SEE BEFORE YOUR DIE. After a quick skim at the bookstore, I realized that the World Edition is way too ambitious. The US/Canada edition is no piece of cake either. Its sad...I know my parents took me to quite a few of the places listed but I don't remember much about them. I don't think they count if you don't remember.

Anyway, I am very excited about the other 2 new reads THE KITE RUNNER and A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS. However, right now I'm working on Debborah Crobie's WATER LIKE A STONE, a small gift from Book Angel. can see The Dixies, authors of my last read, I GAVE YOU MY HEART BUT YOU SOLD IT ONLINE blogging on

1 comment:

Erika said...

Re your memory lapse of places you've visited...does this mean you've reconsider my road trip across the US of A? We can bring your book and check places off as we drive by...