Friday, March 20, 2009

Elvis and Layoffs

What a difference a few weeks make! When we got back from Tennessee, all I was worried about was finishing my Elvis book, Careless Love by Peter Guralnick.

Then I got laid off.
Now, I was worried about finding a new job, money and all the things I had planned for the near future...Getting laid off wasn't what I had in mind for 2009. I just got myself in a good place. I'm losing weight, on dating sites, and just feeling good about life. WTF?????? Not this again.

Hope and inspiration from a small book...
So...I get this email from NYU for the launch event for the book called the World Wide Rave. My boss told me to do what I need to do to find another job, so I signed up figuring it was a networking opportunity. I was inspired by the various speakers, including author David Meerman Scott. While not really a networking event, it gave me hope for my future. The Internet is changing again...and after 10 years I'm still moving forward with it. Things started looking brighter.

Big lift from a small package

Then I get home to a shipment from my Book Angel. To my was LAST TRAIN TO MEMPHIS...another Elvis Book from the author of Careless Love. This was a follow up to another shipment of assorted reading from Book Angel... NICE...good day.

Another possible bright side...
Then I was visiting with my Aunt and Uncle, talking about my Cousin's wedding in California in June. My cousin Kim is driving back to New York, right after the wedding. Maybe I could drive back with her? Maybe... I like the sound of something to do...A few more spots to check off my list from 1001 places to visit before you die. Sounds okay to me.

Good News still shines through
Then I had a revelation. What if I could take some time and travel and maybe learn Spanish? An email and phone call later, I was speaking to the former principal of my high school, Sr. Lois and I was planning my trip to Chile. A few days later I got the good news. The nuns think this is a GREAT idea and they are happy to have me. Dreams coming true.

Then I called my cable company...Told them I got laid off. My bill was reduced to $99. A call to my credit card company had more good news. They told me that if I needed it, I just had to tell them that I need hardship support and I get 3 months with no interest. Plus I found out I had enough miles to go to Chile...Free.

Then my friend Tricia told me that the federal government will pay 65% of COBRA premiums for employees who are laid off from Sept. 1, 2008, through Dec. 31, 2009. The subsidy will extend for nine months. A big relief.

I think I found a Bright Side

So...No, not what I had in mind for 2009...but I am starting to think that the universe and God still has a plan for me. Just in case...I'll also pick up a copy of highly recommended book, Rebound by by Martha I. Finney. I'm not going to let this shitty economy bring me down!

It now time to start brushing up on Spanish with the Rosetta Stone, learning more about Chile and digging up my copy of The Secret.

More to come...

1 comment:

David Meerman Scott said...

Glad you liked my NYC book event.

You may want to read this post. The comments are interesting too.

Good luck, David