Monday, September 10, 2007

TO: JK Rowlings

RE: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Dear JK Rowlings:
Hey JK! I hope you are doing well and enjoying your much needed break from Harry Potter Mania.

I just finished your book. The last 100 pages were fantastic, and I enjoyed how you tied everything in together. However JK, I'm sorry but 700 pages was way too much for this book. If you decide to do another series, please make sure you get a better editor. Out of 5 stars, I give you 3... (I feel so bad about this after our seven book relationship, but honestly, I don't think my review really matters. You have your die hard fans to keep you rich and famous.)

Best wishes on your future endevors.


PS..Did you see Brittany on the MTV Music Awards? I missed it, but thanks to the Magic of the internet, we can all see the car crash!

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