Sunday, September 02, 2007

HARRY POTTER - What an attitude!

I'm about 1/4 away through HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS and maybe it is because I am not rushing to read this before everyone else does, that I just want to put it down.

Harry's got such a chip on his shoulder. He's not the cute boy we met years ago. I guess I would be a snotty teen too if everyone around me has been killed...but I don't really like him.

Anyway...I'm pushing on. I see lots of people reading on the bus and trains and I kind of feel like I would be missing something if I didn't jump on the bandwagon.

Its the NYT Bestseller syndrome...I know.

1 comment:

Erika said...

I haven't read a Harry book yet...and proud of it. I refuse to give in to peer pressure!