Thursday, November 30, 2006

Hidden on my bookshelf...

I'm reading a nice little book called HISTORY LESSON FOR GIRLS by Aurelie Sheehan. It's a coming of age story. I'm enjoying it. I picked it up a while back and never got around to reading it. The cover is beautiful...I don't know how I missed it.

I also read WHO ATE MY CHEESE? Its a business book, that I have had for a long time. It was a quick and simple read, but it was magic, because I am inspired (again) to embrace change at work. I bought copies for the 6 members of my staff. I am not sure how they will respond to it...more on that to come.

Took a quick look on the NYT Bestsellers list. Time to start reading again!
BTW...the hotlinked books are available at for just $9.95 ABSOLUTELY NO Shipping and Handling. You can't find a better deal than this!

Top 5 at a Glance
1. CROSS, by James Patterson
2. FOR ONE MORE DAY, by Mitch Albom
3. DEAR JOHN, by Nicholas Sparks
4. NATURE GIRL, by Carl Hiaasen
5. WILD FIRE, by Nelson DeMille

Top 5 at a Glance
1. THE AUDACITY OF HOPE, by Barack Obama
2. THE INNOCENT MAN, by John Grisham
3. CULTURE WARRIOR, by Bill O’Reilly
4. THE GOD DELUSION, by Richard Dawkins
5. MARLEY & ME, by John Grogan

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